Sunday, February 19, 2006

A humble beginning...

I set out today from a cul-de-sack..
to trudge on a travelled path to go back..
to find a way out other than this..
to prove to the world that my faith doesn't lack..

I have indeed set out today to an oft travelled road of finding out the truth and letting the world find it out as well. My aim.. to get the respect and glory of my faith back.. from people who claim to follow it but have robbed it of it's beauty and have left to the world an ugly and sorry figure to look at and be scared of.
I refer to the most talked about, yet, ironically, the most misunderstood faith of our times- Islam. All thanks to God, we're not born in a dark, unlettered age, which has made it easier for me to reach out to the world and let everone know the truth about Islam - it's thoughts, beliefs and of course some more talked about topics in today's world. My only wish is to have more and more people to read this because it is in no way a propoganda... but an honest sincere attempt to make most of us.. educated and well-known about the debatable topics that Islam has brought to the fore - or at least it's followers have!

This happens to be my first post on this blog.. which I have dedicated to Islam.. the posts that would follow this one would talk about the small misinterpretations that many people have about Islam and it's culture before we delve into the more serious topics - and I would do my best to explain them to the best of my knowledge.

The idea behind this blog is NOT to speak on sensitive issues or begin a blame game but to ensure that people who still give it the benefit of doubt should have something comprehensive to understand the true nature of this faith. I was forced to create this blog when I encountered many people (in college and at work) who would come up to me and ask.. hey..what is the relevance of this..? or why do you do that? And trust me.. the explainations/discussions that would follow.. usually took more than an hour.. and always left me exhauseted but content.. that I have been able to clear some fog from one more mind.
So.. here I am making a modest beginning to clear more and more fog and tell everyone.. that it's not really as complex as they think it is!


At 8:30 PM, Blogger Nicholas said...

Answer me two questions.

First: I'm bad at reading for details, so I couldn't find anywhere in your article about what your religion is. Mind telling me? Also, if you do mention it somewhere in your article, could you tell me so that I at least know that I'm an idiot?

Second: Do you plan to tell the whole truth about Islam, or just those truths that would reflect upon this religion as being a peaceful one? I've come across far too many people in this world who don't know the whole truth about Islam, and far too many followers of the religion who won't tell the whole truth.


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