Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Answering another FAQ..

All right.. Here I am.. answering yet another FAQ, which although I had not originally planned to address but I guess someone out there wants me to.. So here I go..
As I mentioned in my initial posts that the idea behind this blog is not to propagate this religion but to try and clear the fog from minds of people who have been led to misunderstand this faith.
The reason why I believe that we all must discuss religion is because only then we'd be able to understand the true nature of our faith in God.
It is sad but true that it's considered taboo to discuss religion but I think, it's time we shed those inhibitions and talk to each other about what our faiths have in common and that can only happen if one of us takes the initiative to discuss religion at a platform such as this. And if we think that religion is indeed the focal point of all tensions then it becomes all the more necessary for us, as responsible human beings, to look it in the eye and address any concern related to it.
Generations after generations have been blinded by the Politically motivated comments and reactions on religion by people who hold high offices in this country and it's not just their notoriety but our ignorance that's helping them win in dividing countrymen for their own sake.

Let us take this opportunity to understand each other better and leave a better world for the generations to come.


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